What is “Yoga Therapy”?
Yoga connects us, or “yokes” us, to deep, profound realities of the creative and regenerative powers of our body and mind. Yoga provides opportunities for us to feel, do, and be better by enhancing our unique self-healing abilities. In Yoga Therapy, we attend, provide service for, and take care of the particular aspects of our experiences – inclusive of body, mind, psyche and spirit – for which we want to bring, facilitate, and allow healing.
Along with Kundalini Yoga, Ancient Modern Therapies offers a number of different modalities beyond – click below for more information.
Some of those yokes can be your awareness, or your Consciousness, with:
Being, and enjoying, your “Best Self” – physically, mentally, psychologically
The innate and phenomenal creative and healing powers of your body and mind
What your emotions are teaching you (and how to follow those teachings!)
The reality of Joy that is omnipresent within and around
Some of those yokes can be your awareness, or your Consciousness, with:
Being, and enjoying, your “Best Self” – physically, mentally, psychologically
The innate and phenomenal creative and healing powers of your body and mind
What your emotions are teaching you (and how to follow those teachings!)
The reality of Joy that is omnipresent within and around
The etymology of “health” is “to make whole.” This wholeness is reflected in an infinite number of ways. Thus, while Ancient Modern Therapies’ modalities are for healing, we don’t presume to know what direction healing will take you at the beginning, or in the midst, of your healing journey. We do know that the healing process calls each of us to live in response to, and congruent with, our inner Wisdom.
The descriptions herein begin to describe Ancient Modern Therapy’s intent with the phrase “Yoga Therapy.” But descriptions are inherently limited… thus, you are invited to experience for yourself – for your Self – the powerful, uplifting and enlightening modalities offered by Ancient Modern Therapies.
One of the connections that we emphasize in Ancient Modern Therapies is the connection of each person’s innate ability to Self-attend, to service to one’s Self, to care for one’s Self, to Self-evolve and Self-enrichen… physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. We endeavor to assist each person toward Self-healing.